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- NieR Gestalt & Replicant / NieR:Automata / soundtrack
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Step Into the Sound of NieR
Maybe some people think that the music in games is nothing more than a bunch of beeps and boops. That certainly was the case back in the 1980s during the hay-day of the Atari 2600 and the like, but things are different nowーthey’ve been different for a LONG time. Many of my favorite video game soundtracks from the early to mid 90s, or even the 80s, are still extremely prevalent today. Titles like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Chrono Trigger have attained such a level of “godhood” as far as the music is concerned that live concerts some 20-30 years later are still being sold out. There is a reason why this music moves us, and a lot of it has to do with nostalgia, but the majority of it has to do with the pure genius behind the music, the talented composers, arrangers, and performers.
NieR Replicant/Gestalt was not exactly a well-known title that Square Enix published back in 2010. I only played it because it was unlike any other RPG that I had ever seen before. Its story was dark, its characters gritty and not necessarily pretty to look at compared to all the other publishers out there, with their bright and colorful, cheery stories. Personally, I wasn’t into all those hearts and rainbowsーit started making me ill after a while, actually. But then came NieR, and I discovered what a brilliant gem it truly was, although its exterior masked its hidden light within. Unfortunately, and much to Yoko Taro, the creator/director’s chagrin, NieR wasn’t well-known for its story but rather its music is what caught people’s attention.
The soundtrack, led by Keiichi Okabe, head of the MONACA sound team that produces music for not only games but also anime, TV, and more, skyrocketed in sales as opposed to the actual sales of the game. Even people who never played the original NieR could often recognize the music. As far as the initial reception of the game, according to Wikipedia:
These figures are somewhat problematic because Gestalt and Replicant are two separate versions of the same game. Gestalt portrayed an older father figure and was released on the Xbox, whereas Replicant portrayed a younger brother figure and was released on the PS3. The reception of the Xbox in the early 2010s was not wide-spread. Therefore what’s important for this particular discussion are the worldwide numbers that tally around 700,000 copies sold over the course of roughly 8 years.
Since the release of NieR Gestalt/Replicant in 2010, the next installment to the franchise didn’t come until early 2017, but by May 2019, it had already sold over 4 million copies!
Unlike with the original NieR, where the soundtrack seemed to sell better than the actual game, this time around with over 4 million copies already sold, it’s clear that Yoko Taro has finally risen above his old college friend. It’s a friendly rivalry, so no need to worry! They often help to bring out the best in each other, as good friends do.
Back on the topic of the music, during a livestream on NicoNico from the beginning of December 2019, it was announced that many of the soundtracks would be available on Amazon Music in Japan, and for a short time, an advertisement ran on a large billboard near the iconic Scramble Crosswalk in Shibuya. Here’s a glimpse of what it looked like from Shibuya Eris on twitter:
Listen on Spotify
Whether you’re a fan of the NieR series of games or not, I would suggest for any music fan to check out these soundtracks. I can personally attest to how well-crafted these tracks are put together intentionally to draw out emotion in the listener. As a NieR fan myself, I would love for every listener to know the background of the story behind these themes, but it’s really not necessary to enjoy the music separately.
Please be aware, however, that not every NieR related soundtrack is currently on streaming media, but many of the more important, full-length albums are. Below you will find direct links to the currently available, official soundtracks.
NieR Gestalt & Replicant