Source: 結人 醸すおっさん (@musubito3) - image reproduced with permission
Husband Gets a Bento Surprise After Fighting with Wife
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Musubito (@musubito3) works at a Japanese sake brewing company.
Most of his Tweets are centered around sake, but a recent post has gained him more attention than usual.
The post we are concerned with is a picture of his bento, which his wife lovingly makes for him everyday.
This bento was a bit different than usual.
Musubito explained that he and his wife had fought the day before.
So what did his wife prepare for him?
The Bento Surprise
Reproduced with permission from 結人 醸すおっさん(@musubito3)
Musubito’s wife stuffed the long, thin chopsticks case with rice, topped with sesame salt and a pickled plum.
And in the bento case, she placed the chopsticks.
Certainly Musubito was surprised upon his discovery.
Perhaps he’d forgotten about the previous day’s argument, but it’s quite obvious his wife hadn’t!
Although Musubito may have had a long day on an empty stomach, he made the right choice to share his bento with Twitter.
With almost 400,000 Likes since December 29, 2020, Musubito’s unfortunate incident has spread smiles and laughter across the world.
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I second the last comment and hope Musubito and his wife settled things peaceably.
Otherwise you can imagine Musubito’s dinner probably wasn’t any better...
On a final note, it’s great we all got a laugh out of Musubito’s misfortune, but at the same time, I imagine this has probably inspired many other bento-makers. So watch out if you’re on the receiving end!