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Earlier this year, we introduced the international shipping expansion of Grape Shop, an e-commerce site shared by we at grape Japan and our sister Japanese site Grape.
Grape Shop features a number of unique and high quality goods from Japan, including delicious tea bags with creative animal designs, beautiful glassware that changes color and transforms into blooming sakura, and elegant incense in the shape of fallen leaves.
Whether it be goods that show off Japanese craftsmanship, cute and whimsical designs, or practical everyday products, Grape Shop customers will be sure to find something to liven up their daily life.
The international shipping comes courtesy of WorldShopping, an overseas service that delivers products from popular shops in Japan to around the world. When viewing our Grape Shop articles (such as this one), you may have seen the following text when introducing a product:
(We use WorldShopping Global. The grape SHOP page is in Japanese, but if you see the WorldShopping widget appear at the bottom of the page, that product can be shipped overseas)
While that text breaks things down essentially, we would like to provide a more in depth guide as to how international shipping works.
When accessing Grape Shop from overseas, this message should display:
The WorldShopping Cart and widget should automatically be displayed when viewing items that can be shipped overseas:
Here is a breakdown from WorldShopping about their process and policy regarding their international shipping service:
<International Shipping>
1.When you access the website from overseas, the “WorldShopping Cart” will be displayed automatically.
2.Add your favorite items to the WorldShopping cart.
Click “Add to Cart” of the WorldShoppinng banner to proceed to buy your favorite items.
3. Input the weight and dimensions of the product to calculate shipping fees.
→Explore WorldShopping Guide for More details.
WorldShopping will charge 10% service on the “Total Product Price”*. Once we deliver the product to WorldShopping, you will receive another payment request from WorldShopping containing International Shipping Fee, Handling Fee and Other Fees (If any). See WorldShopping Fees for details.
*Total Product Price=(Product Price + Domestic Shipping Fee in Japan).
<For International Customers>
As WorldShopping buys a product on behalf of the customer, we can not accept any changes in the order such as (order cancellation, returns) once an order has been placed with WorldShopping. We request your understanding of the issue and please confirm all the product details before placing the order. For more details, see here: https://www.worldshopping.global/en/help/faq/
All in all, we hope you'll find it a simple service to use when hoping to purchase items from Grape Shop that we introduce in articles. While we at grape Japan are more than happy to answer any inquiries regarding products to the best of our ability, please direct questions about shipping and payment to WorldShopping. You can contact them, as well as read through their FAQ here.