Cats have a strange but charming way of "transforming" their bodies, whether it be somehow liquifying to fit into cramped containers or twisting in surprising acrobatic displays.

Japanese Twitter user @ashlove915 recently found their cat Ash putting a twist on such transformations, this time by actually appearing to expand in size.

While @ashlove915 is probably very happy to see Ash, waking up to this pose one morning probably gave them quite the morning shock.

Source: @ashlove915

"Pushups? Good morning..."

Because of Ash's fluffy coat of fur and rather unique sitting position, he appears to be doing kitty pushups and flexing bulging muscles. He also looks like some form of feline and tarantula hybrid, but what's delighted many on Twitter is the comical gap between his imposing appearance and the simple, innocent expression on his face--proving once again that a normal day in the life of a cat can be an adventure for their human companions.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.