One Punch Man is a series of anime and manga that talks about a normal guy who can defeat any enemy he encounters with a little exaggeration of using only one punch.   No matter if the enemy is the king of sea, king of the universe, king of whatever kind of magnitude, he finishes them with no space in the blink of an eye. But little does anyone know, he treats his hero profession as a normal hobby.

A Japanese guy who is a big fan of One Punch Man series, uses three paper cups to animate the single moment that main character Saitama one punches through the enemy.  In the animation below, the guy who is riding a bike is Mumen Rider, he has a large passion to become a hero to save many people, but with his normal human ability, there is nothing much he can do besides helping a kid to get his kite that is stuck on the tree. 

A great element of contrast brings the cup alive that made his twitter page become recently viral, and even got reposted from the One Punch Mans's official Twitter.

Based on the fact that the first season of One Punch man is coming to an end, the creator made this cup to cherish the remaining episodes that are left.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.

@shin___geki / @_onepunchman / @ONE_rakugaki