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Wrap Your Belongings In Traditional Japanese Style With Whimsical Furoshiki Cloth
Tokyo’s Armani Ristorante’s re-releases popular uber-luxury bento box with furoshiki wrapping
Furoshiki is a Japanese wrapping cloth traditionally used to transport clothes, gifts and other goods since the Nara period. If you ever watched an old drama or anime, it is easy to spot them, and even modern-day students still have them wrapped around their bento.
Since the high demand of plastic bags has been replaced with this beautiful pattern wrapping cloth, brilliant duo designers Yosuke Jikuhara and Miki Takeda, who are professional, award-winning origami stylists, are adapting their creativity to evolve the traditional patterns into various animal styles. The result not only looks tons more playful and stylish, but also can decrease the plastic pollution that has been impacting the ocean and general environment.
The animal furoshiki is made all in cotton, 68 cm (27 inch) square sized, and sells at 1620 yen at Cochae. You can buy them through Cinra.