If you've been to Japan, you may have had the pleasure of seeing the Japanese food sample displays outside of major restaurants. Outside of being quite charming and very well made, the displays are super tourist-friendly for those who don't quite have the language skills to navigate a menu, and can clear up any questions you have about what the food actually looks like. Here's an example if you've never seen one.

@SUCAさん(@asue0102)が投稿した写真 -

Some look so similar to the actual thing that it would easy to accidentally take a bite out of one of them. While that obviously wouldn't be advisable, if you really like them that much, then Japanese online store Fake Food Hatanaka has a series of goods just for you. They've crafted a lineup of fake food accessories, some of which you can wear on your head.

Here's a look at some of their more eccentric accessories.

Spaghetti and meat sauce


Tsukimi Soba

Egg rolls and karaage


Nattou and rice

Mini breakfast set


Bacon and scrambled eggs

Fried egg and steak



So if you want to check out more adventurous headgear or just have some sample food accessories to put on display, head over to Fake Food Hatanaka for goods like these and more.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.