Source: @HOIPPU_0722
Cat’s Irresistible Apology After Spilling Cola On The Rug Grants Her Instant Forgiveness
- Source:
- @HOIPPU_0722
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Cute and innocent-looking as they are, cats can make a huge mess at home without even showing a hint of remorse. That, however, isn’t the case with Hoippu, a lovable Scottish Fold living happily with her human @HOIPPU_0722.
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
One day, @HOIPPU_0722 left a glass of cola out within Hoippu's reach. Always energetic and full of life, it didn't take long for the rambunctious feline to knock it over, leaving a stain on the rug.
Upset at the mess, @HOIPPU_0722 was on the verge of getting angry with the furball, but instead held back her anger. After all, she had been the one who had left the glass unattended. She went into the bathroom to cool her head when she decided to look out the door to see what the little troublemaker was doing.
To her surprise, she saw Hoippu peeking into the bathroom from across the hallway...
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
She slowly moved toward her with her head down
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
Stopping just outside the door to check on her human
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
Source: @HOIPPU_0722
Inching closer as if in fear that she would be scolded, Hoippu managed to take baby steps toward her human to see how angry she was. It was clear to see that Hoippu was genuinely sorry, and that she hadn't meant to make a mess in their home.
Needless to say, @HOIPPU_0722 forgave her in a heartbeat. But really, who wouldn't sacrifice a little stain on the rug to see a face like that?