Kentucky Fried Chicken in Japan can be a little more adventurous than its stateside origin, going as far to open up an all-you-can-eat-and-drink KFC restaurant and even fried chicken-scented bath bombs.

KFC Japan's latest move is one that adopts the now preferred "no contact" services in response to a global pandemic, as they are set to install new fried chicken pick-up lockers.

The pick-up lockers are used in combination with a KFC online order service and app. Customers can make an online order and payment, and arrange a delivery time to one of pick-up lockers, where they can input a passcode and retrieve their meal.

The lockers are currently being given a trial run at KFC branches in Nakano, Shinjuku Nishiguchi, Mizunokuchi, and Minami Urawa. Should the service take off, it sounds like fried chicken lockers could expand in Japan.

By - Big Neko.