Source: © Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
Idol Group Momoiro Clover Z Introduce The Hidden Charms of Nagasaki City
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- © Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
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- ambassador / campaign / Momoclo / Momoiro Clover Z / Nagasaki / Nagasaki LOVERS / Nagaski City / Promotional Video / Sightseeing / Tourism
Whether it's local delicacies such as Champon noodles, beautiful stained glass adorning churches or the famous Meganebashi Bridge, Nagasaki, with its exotic mood and delicious dishes, has charms you won't experience anywhere else.
In its latest promotional effort, Nagasaki City has launched a new project called "Nagasaki LOVERS" which shines a spotlight on individual citizens talking about their personal "Suki!": something about Nagasaki which they love.
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
Serving as ambassadors for the "Nagasaki LOVERS" campaign are none other than popular idol unit Momoiro Clover Z (or "Momoclo" for short)!
Momoclo are no strangers to Nagasaki, having served as "Nagasaki Clover Ambassadors" seven years ago. As it turns out, Nagasaki is where clover first arrived in Japan through the trading post of Dejima Island, since the plant was used as cushioning material for items imported from Europe.
Eager to liven up Nagasaki City, Momoclo filmed this "Nagasaki LOVERS" promotional video on location while being recorded for a TV program. During their one-day stay in Nagasaki, the four members discovered many of the city's charms.
What "suki!" do you think they found in Nagasaki?
Momoclo Liven Up Nagasaki City!
Kanako Momota: Nagasaki Tradition Lover
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
"There are so many things here which have been passed down for hundreds of years, and that really makes the city appealing."
Leader Kanako Momota explained how she was charmed by the city's traditions such as "vidro" hand-blown glass, artisanal work such as tortoiseshell craft and traditional events such as the Nagasaki Kunchi festival...
One of Nagasaki's charms is its traditional culture unlike any other in Japan. Developed through active trade with foreign countries, this culture remains strong throughout the city.
Shiori Tamai: Nagasaki Delicious Food Lover
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
"In addition to the ones I already knew, I also tried some 'famous Nagasaki dishes' for the first time!"
Shiori Tamai, on the other hand, was charmed by Nagasaki's culinary delights. Although Castella sponge cake and Champon noodles are obviously famous Nagasaki foods, there are also plenty of cheap and delicious local favorites unique to Nagasaki such as Chirin-Chirin Ice Cream and Nagasaki Turkish Rice!
Reni Takagi: Nagasaki Instaworthy Spot Lover
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
"There are so many Instaworthy spots here in Nagasaki where you can have fun just taking pictures. In fact, I had the impression that the whole city was Instaworthy!"
During her day-long stay in Nagasaki, Reni Takagi took pictures wherever she went. Whether it was the Lantern Festival filling the entire city with lantern lights, colorful Chinatown, or the heart-shaped stone in Meganebashi Bridge, she could hardly contain her excitement at all the Instaworthy spots she discovered.
Ayaka Sasaki: Nagasaki Hospitality Lover
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
"The strongest impression I have is that everyone I met was so kind, hospitable and generous with their time."
Ayaka Sasaki was moved by the kindness of the many people she met during her day in Nagasaki. The local residents warmly welcomed the members of Momoiro Clover Z, so they were able to spend a very pleasant time in the city.
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
Local Residents Introduce Their "Suki!" in Nagasaki
While Nagasaki has many charms, as we have seen, there many be other facets of the city which only the locals know about.
Former professional baseball player Tsuyoshi Shimoyanagi is a Nagasaki native. He loves the city so much that after retiring from baseball, he became a regular host on a local TV show. In his corner of the show, he takes viewers on a walk through the city, introducing its beautiful streets, its kindhearted residents and tasty dishes from the sea and the mountains. As the city where he was born, Nagasaki has a special place in his heart.
If he had to choose one place to recommend, he would pick Shianbashi, Nagasaki's liveliest entertainment district. When he goes drinking with his closest friends, the drinks are always tastier there, he says.
Another Nagasaki native is Akira Takata, founder of the television shopping giant Japanet Takata Co., Ltd. An avid soccer fan, Mr. Takada also serves as chairman of the J-League V-Varen Nagasaki club.
Mr. Takata has plans to build a big stadium here so that people will come from around the world in support of V-Varen Nagasaki, the city's only professional sports team.
"I want to send positive energy from Nagasaki to the world," he added emphatically.
Ask other residents and they'll surely tell you their own "suki!" in Nagasaki. From Kanboko, the city's "soul food," to coffee handed down from Dejima, there are so many to discover!
© Nagasaki City (Nagasaki LOVERS)
Through their day-long experience being recorded for the show, the four girls of Momoiro Clover Z were taken with Nagasaki's charms and became true fans. There's no doubt they'll do a great job livening up the city as "Nagasaki Lovers Ambassadors."
Whether you're already a fan of Nagasaki or you've never been there before, why not discover the city for yourself and, in the spirit of Nagasaki Lovers, find your own Nagasaki to cherish.
"Nagasaki LOVERS" Official Homepage