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Comedian Ehara has turned his family into a comedy troupe burning up Japanese SNS
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A famous Japanese comedian Ehara Masaaki and his kin are attracting attention on SNS platforms for the family-friendly content they provide. His Instagram account featuring countless videos with his three daughters and son boasts more than 300,000 followers:
"I won the Manzai stand-up competition with my family! Thank you everyone for the congratulatory DMs and messages."
To wrap our heads around all the buzz, let's look at the daily life of this unique family!
Recently, Ehara Masahiro posted this video to TikTok and Instagram:
"How to stop fights."
Even his youngest is dancing with the group! Indeed, it’s heartwarming to see the entire family having fun together like this.
Ehara’s followers reacted:
Sure enough, followers get a quick pick-me-up from the eye bleach cuteness and good times of the family's content.
The eldest daughter
It’s easy to see that Ehara’s daughters are burgeoning talent. In particular, his eldest daughter Miu especially takes after the comedian. Recently, he posted a video featuring the two of them:
"The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree."
It’s easy to see that Miu certainly inherited the dance moves of her father. Ehara’s followers reacted:
Miu also has quite a set of pipes. Have a listen, why don’t you:
"A parent-child duo that performs whenever my daughter enters my practice room."
His followers were surprised by her powerful and great voice:
Keeping everyone safe
As any father of three daughters would, Ehara makes sure he teaches his children how to stay safe in situations that would be dangerous for them. His children joined him for this memetic lesson which he posted on Tiktok and Instagram:
"We always have fun."
His youngest child also danced in the background quietly!
His followers reacted:
If you want to see more content like this, you can find it on Ehara’s Instagram and YouTube channel. Enjoy!