Popular mobile game franchise Fate/Grand Order and top Japanese watchmaker Seiko have paired up, launching a new model “Cater/Artoria Caster model” for their “Original Servant Watch” series.

The long-established watch company has replicated the image of the rookie wizard running around Britain. Check out the special collaborative watch at the Aniplex website.

The color and the leather band represent the servant’s character and her costume precisely. This model portrays the character’s pure and lovely personality as a rookie servant who dedicates herself to studying magic every day. The design is simple yet sophisticated. Even in the small details you can see reflections of the character such as the second hand and the watch stem portraying her symbolic hat, or the center second shape of the magic wand.

You can also make it a set with a special watch stand to display this special item at home.

Accepting pre-orders from August 1st, 2021, 5 pm - September 26th, 12 pm.

Price: 45,000 yen (Tax included)/ a set with watch-stand 48,000 yen (Tax included).

*Available by pre-order only.

・Item Number :SZER082

・Movement :7T92

・Band material:Leather/stainless steel

・Case material :Stainless steel

・Glass :Hardlex

・back lid :steinless steel

・Water proof :water resistant for every- day use(10 bar)

・Precision:average monthly difference about 15 seconds

・Case dimension : approximate. 46.6×42.0×11.4㎜(height×width×depth)

・Battery lifespan :approximately 3 years

・Others :Stop-watch function

By - Mugi.