Directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli's Princess Mononoke is a certified anime classic filled with beloved characters. So it's no wonder cosplayers are drawn to recreating the world of celebrated film.

Cosplayer Beruka (@beruka225) was motivated by a particular aspect of Princess Mononoke, however, and that was a dream of riding on Yakul, the giant red elk ridden by Ashitaka.

Source: Studio Ghibli

Unfortunately, creatures like Yakul don't run around in the real world, so Beruka did what cosplayers do best, and that's bring anime into the real world. The talented cosplayer took on an ambitious project of recreating not only Ashitaka's clothes and gear, but Yakul himself.

Beruka shared the result of their hard work recently, and having wowed thousands on Twitter, we think it's safe to say she's set herself up nicely to ride on Yakul in brilliant fashion!

Source: @beruka225

Beruka may be the only cosplayer--or Ghibli fan, for that matter--that has an actual life-sized Yakul to ride in their house!

According to Beruka, strands of fake fur on the amazing Yakul were added one by one. The set took a total of four months to make, and the quality speaks for itself.

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

Not only did Beruka craft an awesome lifelike Yakul, but she also faithfully reproduced Ashitaka's outfit in rugged detail, including his weaponry.

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

But wait! Why stop there? Beruka also shared that she wanted to ride on a wolf like Princess Mononoke herself did--so she made that as well.

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

The Mononoke and wolf set is just as high quality as the Ashitaka and Yakul one, right down to the gums and teeth of the wolf.

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

Source: @beruka225

For more awesome cosplay by Beruka, be sure to follow on Twitter.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.