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Part of the joy for lunchtime for kids in Japan is opening up your bento box is seeing what your parents were able to whip you up. You could say that one highlight for young children is finding the "tako wiener", or octopus wiener, which are miniature sausages cut to resemble adorable little octopuses. They're even popular with adults and you can find them at some izakaya pubs.
Image used for illustrative purposes
But when Japanese mother Oshiso (@_______aona) decided to surprise her 3-year-old child Koshiso with a batch of delightful octopus wieners, she was suddenly worried they might have the opposite effect.
One look will tell you why!
Source: @_______aona
"It's so scary I'm worry my kid will cry."
There's definitely many who saw the post and felt the same way as Oshiso, claiming the tentacled sausages to be terrifying. Others however expressed that sentiment that they would feel bad eating them because they were simply too cute.
It appears Oshiso's worries were laid to rest, however. When her child came back from school, she asked them if they had eaten their bento. Oshiso was treated to a much different reply than she expected--"there were squids in it."