If you’ve ever enjoyed looking at cute cat pictures on the internet, you may be aware of the ‘catloaf’ pose. It involves the cat hiding all four legs under its body when sitting down, making it look similar to a loaf of bread. This pose is considered extra cute and plenty of photo evidence for this phenomenon can be found online.

There’s also a term for this pose in Japanese. It’s called ‘kobakozuwari’, meaning ‘incense box sitting’.

But one Japanese pet owner believes they have discovered a ‘subspecies’ of this sitting position. Check out the photo of their cat, Kuroe, demonstrating this new pose.

Source: @magaodemukuchi

Instead of tucking her paws underneath her body, she’s folded them into her armpits.

The end result still resembles a loaf of bread, but perhaps it’s a bit flattened. Like a loaf that’s been accidentally sat on. She looks pretty comfy though, so maybe Kuroe is onto something!

According to the comments left under the original Tweet, lots of other cats do the same pose, so maybe it’s not as rare as we originally thought.

If you want to see more of Kuroe’s quirks, take a look at her owner’s Twitter profile.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.