Iconic hit anime Cardcaptor Sakura is teaming up with Japanese leather company “OJAGA DESIGN '' to celebrate its 25th anniversary! The first 6 items of the collaboration collection are “Mirror Keyholders”, and are available online for order.

The keychain design has a pop, cute and colorful design fitting the series. The hand-stitching style creates warm-touch in the design. The little mirror on the back side is perfect for a quick makeup check while you are out.

The design of the key chains consists of the faces of “Kero”, “Spinny”, and “Momo”, and three different card themes “Clow Card”, “Sakura Card” and “Clear Card”.

Priced at 6,050 yen, this stylish series is a must for Cardcaptor Sakura fans. They can be ordered at the collaboration page's online shop.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.