Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Saudi Arabia’s katsu sandwiches with no katsu have Japanese netizens mystified
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- Katsu / Katsu sandwiches / Sandwiches / Saudi Arabia / Twitter
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Whether made with chicken, beef, or pork, the katsu sandwich (katsu sando) is definitely one of Japan's favorite sandwiches. The breaded and fried meaty cutlet sandwiches can come be found as high end gourmet restaurant options and as well as a surprisingly quality meal from the convenience store.
Whether it be a katsu sandwich, tonkatsu, or katsu curry, the katsu craze has spread around the world.
Saudi Arabia appears to be one of those places. When Akira Takatoriya (@Shams_Qamar_JP), a writer who works for HykeComic, Inc. and travels back and forth between Japan and the Middle East, shared some photos of katsu sandwiches he found at a store located in Riyadh, however, it sent quite a wave through Japanese katsu fanatics on Twitter.
That's mostly beacause this katsu sandwich has...no katsu!
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Written on the front of the sandwich in katakana alphabet is "カツサンド (katsu sando), or katsu sandwich. However, the contents are much more like Japan's popular fruit sandwiches and exceptionally tasty convenience store egg sandwiches.
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
So what's the deal? Is it really a katsuless katsu sandwich store? Well, those with a keen eye will notice that the actual ingredients of the sandwich such as tuna and tamago (egg) are written on the top left hand corner of each sandwich. Yet no matter the type of sandwich, each one still says Katsu Sando in bigger lettering across its main label--which can obviously be a jarring sight for a native Japanese speaker.
But the reason for the constant katsu sandwich label is because...that's the store name!
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Takatoriya shared the photos with the joking caption "all sandwiches in Saudi Arabia are katsu sandwiches (jk)" as even with the explanation, the packaging makes quite an impact that requires a double-take for Japanese sandwich eaters. Many online were surprised and amused, with some comparing it to the "Katsu Police" who pointed out that a lot of katsu curry products sold abroad don't actually contain any katsu years ago in the replies:
"I wonder if it's like in the UK where "katsu" just means "Japanese style"..."
"I went like "what?! where's the katsu?!" and thought there was something wrong with my eyes."
"Even though I knew the name of the restaurant, my brain was confused."
According to Takatoriya, the owners of Katsu Sando are big Japan fans and have been many times. They opened the restaurant with the intent of introducing Japanese food not yet widespread in the Middle East. Of course, with something like katsu, that means making substitutes for pork to accommodate Islamic dietary laws. Knowing it would still sound unusual to Japanese speakers, Katsu Sando decides to roll with the "Katsu" name.
Source: @katsusando_sa
Intrigued by the katsu-less katsu sandwich, Takatoriya picked up a the fruits version, and says it was full of rich flavor and was just like a shortcake sandwiched between fluffy bread.
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Source: @Shams_Qamar_JP
Rest assured though, Katsu Sando in Saudi Arabia does actually sell beef katsu sandwiches, and they look quite mouthwatering!
Source: @katsusando_sa