Photo by grape Japan

Japanese dog returns from the groomer looking like an ice cream bonbon

"He went for a trim and when he came back, his head had turned into a Pino."

Such was the caption on a hilarious photo posted by the Twitter account at トイプードルの森くん Toy Poodle Mori-kun (@mori_menkoi), run by the owner of a 7-year-old toy poodle.

If you haven't heard of Pino, it's a long-selling and highly popular brand of ice cream bonbons made by Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. and enjoyed by kids young and old since 1976. They're also instantly recognizable by their truncated cone shape.

A lone Pino with its serving pick. | Photo by grape Japan

So then, why was Mori-kun likened to a Pino when he came back from the groomers? This photo should answer the question:

Reproduced with permission from トイプードルの森くん Toy Poodle Mori-kun (@mori_menkoi)

The resemblance is undeniable. With his beige fur, he looked just like an almond-flavored Pino!

With his beady eyes in an expression that looks like he's wondering why he's getting all this attention, it made for one hilarious photo.

The post received many comments, such as:

  • "I think it's too cute. I want to know how you got that cut."
  • "It's great! This picture makes me happy just by looking at it."
  • "It made me laugh. I love Mori-kun's expression too!"

Who knows, maybe this is going to start a trend and people are going to ask for a "Pino cut" like Mori-kun at their groomers!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.