- Source:
- 銀のさら公式CM【出会い篇(30秒)】
- Tags:
- Funny / Gin no sara / Japan / Japanese Commercial / Sushi
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Contrary to popular belief, sushi doesn't necessarily mean raw fish. The most basic requirements are neta (your topping) and shari (sushi rice), and this short and funny commercial from Japanese sushi delivery chain Gin no Sara shows that that classic pairing has no limits.
Japanese love stories are very often about destined meetings, and this commercial is no different.
It starts out like most love stories, with two random people locking eyes and realizing their feelings before each other. They then rip off their clothes, as people do, and proceed to get very wet and stick together.
And make sushi!
Source: YouTube
"Neta" and "Shari", the best kind of "meeting."
Source: YouTube
Well, it's certainly the tastiest meeting!