If you want quality goods with fairly affordable price, MUJI is one of the best stores to go for. The store has a strong no-logo and no-brand policy. Since many fashion brands tend to be overlooked because of excess marketing, the quality and design are often not lined up to standard. Beyond that, they strive to avoid waste in production and put emphasis on recycling.

The NO Brand Quality Goods company owns a lot of consumer goods. The kitchen and clothing are certainly their popular sections, but many consumers also like to visit their amazing food products. Recently the sakura season is coming up, and a lot of sakura related snacks are available in the store. Of course, no-brand food, but good quality. And all of them are at a cheap price below 280yen ($US 2.46).

Baumkuchen Cherry Blossom


Sakura Rice Jelly Pancake


Sakura Marshmallow


Sakura Cookie


Sakura Cream Sandwich Cookie


By - grape Japan editorial staff.