3-month-old Tsumiki is a rambunctious little kitty that was recently initiated into the magical world of iPad games. Placing the tablet in front of him, Tsumiki's human @maihimemoco let the feline play with an app that showed some carp swimming in a pool of water.

However, the soft splashing sounds of the water and the swimming fish were so realistic that Tsumiki was convinced the graphics were real. He was probably too immersed in the images on the screen to notice that the paws he "dipped" into it were still nice and dry, and made an adorable attempt to steal a sip from the water.

Of course, there was no way Tsumiki would have been able to satiate his thirst with this app. But seeing that he didn't even acknowledge the fact that no fluid had reached his tongue, we wonder if he realized it at all.

We can well imagine @maihimemoco letting him play the game again for the same heart-melting result, but hopefully with a real bowl of water for him in the end!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.