- Source:
- @gin2rou
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It's no secret hat Shiba Inu are capable of producing some really adorable facial expressions and reactions, as even fake ones can pull it off. Japanese Twitter user @gin2rou got a close look at that when their beloved Shiba Inu Ginjirou flashed this ridiculously elated smile when they thought they were going for a walk.
Source: @gin2rou
Unfortunately, that smile only lasted for the first half of the walk. @gin2rou writes that the first radiant smile only happened before Ginjirou found out that they would be walking to the Vet's office on the way back home, at which point he suddenly switched to this expression.
Source: @gin2rou
It seems like a visit to the dreaded Vet is one of the few things that put a damper on Ginjirou's day, as he usually appears to flash this joyful grin.