- Source:
- Roppongi Macaron / jamajamajama_food / roppongimacaron / yumiyuijun
- Tags:
- campaign / Dogs / Instagram / Macaron / Roppongi Macaron / Social Media
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The trend for putting photos on things that previously you could not put photos on will always appeal to the narcissists in us, who deep down would just love to drink a cup of coffee with our own face in the froth.
Tokyo based Roppongi Macaron is an innovative company who realised this trend plus the flat surface of a macaron is a recipe for success. They offer high quality gift boxes of macarons which you can design yourself online and order.
Not just photos, but other designs, patterns and words allow you to create the perfect box of macarons for the occasion. These are a great Valentine’s Day gift for those who need yet another outlet to show off their cute couple selfies.
Unrelated to Valentine’s Day, Roppongi Macaron are currently running a social media campaign allowing dog lovers to win a box of macarons with their fluffy companion printed on. Those who want to take part (limited to residents of Japan) just have to follow the Roppongi Macaron Instagram and put the hashtag '#六本木マカロンでプリントしたい' (I want this printed by Roppongi Macaron) on their competition entry.
Over the course of the campaign, up to 10 entries will be chosen to win a box of three macarons, two with dog photos printed on and one with a congratulatory message.
Every dog owner thinks their pet is macaron-worthy but this is a real test to find the sweetest pup around!