Japanese Twitter user みるこ Miruko (@micchi1919) takes photos and videos of their seven birds every day and posts them to their account.

One of Miruko's favorite feathered friends is Maro, a very energetic green-thighed parrot (Pionites leucogaster).

Miruko compiled some of Maro's hilarious antics over the previous month of February and the video went viral, the Tweet earning over 227,600 likes at the time of writing.

Take a look at the video and you'll surely see why:

"An assortment of Mr. Maro clips from February"

Mr. Maro grasping a Tupperware lid and slapping it on the kitchen counter, Mr. Maro peering into a closet while bobbing up and down, Mr. Maro chirping while slapping a fan on the floor...

The video is filled with Mr. Maro in a merry mood from beginning to end!

The video elicited many comments, such as:

  • "What a great compliation! It looked like he was (channeling Jotaro Kujo) with some 'ora ora ora' action at the beginning."
  • "I can't help but laugh at how hyper he was the whole time. What are you feeding him? lol"
  • "The way he was holding that fan, I thought it was someone's concert."
  • "At the end of the video, it looks like he's doing the Moonwalk!"

Seeing Maro in such a good mood makes us smile too!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.