We’ve covered some pretty aesthetically impressive wagashi over the years at grape Japan, and it’s difficult to get over the amazing realism achieved by some of Japan’s sweets masters.

There’s colourful, lifelike birds, and even swimming fish suspended in a cool pond, all made completely out of traditional Japanese sweets.

But this creation from a Kyoto ‘modern-traditional Japanese’ cafe will spirit you away to the damp, leafy forest. They’ve created something they call an edible ‘kokedama’, meaning moss ball. If you look at the exterior, it could easily be mistaken for something growing on the side of a rock.

But this diagram provided by the cafe breaks down the actual make-up of the treat.

The ball contains traditional Japanese ingredients such as warabi mochi (rice cake), red bean paste and hojicha (roasted green tea) flavoured cream. But there’s a touch of western influence too, with the luxurious cream cheese core.

There’s nothing like a realistic edible moss ball to make you feel like a fairy or forest-dwelling spirit while chilling at a cafe in Kyoto.

The cafe is called Tea x Coffee (Kyocha Coffee) and it is located in the Shimobentencho area of Kyoto. Apart from their website, they can also be found on Facebook or Instagram for up to date information.

By - Jess.