This animation show makes learning Japanese history a fresh and fun experience, by reimagining historic and powerful figures as feline characters. With Japan’s great love of cats, it’s refreshing to see the country’s history given new life with a feline touch.

Nekoneko Nihon Shi (Neko Neko Japanese History) is an animation and comic book series that brings together history lessons and comedy by depicting famous Japanese individuals as humanoid cats.

Historical figures such as Himiko, Prince Shotoku, Nobunaga Oda and Ryoma Sakamoto are just some of the characters that make an appearance in the show’s knowledgeable yet fun episodes.
The show delivers each episode through a mixture of contemporary storylines, traditional folktales and musical performances.

The mixture of both historical learning and comedy make Nekoneko Nihon Shi an enjoyable show for both children and adults.

Weekly updates sees Nekoneko Nihon Shi episodes appearing on the youtube channel each Friday. Additionally, the show will now be airing on NHK E-Tele on Wednesdays at 18:45pm.

By - Connie Sceaphierde.