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Some of our longtime readers may recall the cosplaying skiiers at Mount Yeti resort who we introduced a few years ago. With the growing popularity of cosplaying in general, you could say that combining skiing or snowboarding with cosplay was a natural evolution.
However, as cosplaying on the slopes becomes more commonplace, it's also natural that some people will stand out from the crowd.
This could certainly be said of 生ガンダム Nama Gundam (@nama_gundam), avid Gundam fan, cosplayer and snowboarder, and representative of the Gundam performance team Team GP.
As you can guess from his name and affiliation, Nama Gundam (whose name means "the real live Gundam") brings the world of Gundam to the mountains with his amazing hand-made Gundam cosplay. Take a look at him in action here in a recent video posted by fellow Gundam fan and outdoor enthusiast RYO which has already garnered over 55,000 likes and 22,000 retweets at the time of writing:
"I was able to take a video that's quite impressive! Leave it to Nama Gundam to make it look good after only meeting with me once!"
Reproduced with permission from RYO (@okiyama69) and 生ガンダム Nama Gundam (@nama_gundam)
If you know anything about Gundam, you'll instantly recognize this as the iconic mobile suit RX-78-2 Gundam, seen here spinning the Gundam Hammer in preparation for an attack!
Nama Gundam created his cosplay outfit from scratch with a concern for safety. For example, his field of vision is excellent, even better than that afforded by standard snowboarding goggles.
"Anyway, here it is. I use yellow anti-dust glass for the visor. The black part is smoke film for cars. Since there are no edges like snowboarding goggles have, the field of vision is wider than snowboarding goggles."
Moreover, he only uses soft materials like urethane. As RYO explains in follow-up tweets, that also applies to the ball on the Gundam Hammer (a flail, with a large spiked ball attached to the handle by a chain) which turns out to be a beach ball inside. In fact, RYO specifically requested Nama Gundam to hit him with it as he passed him on the slopes.
Reproduced with permission from RYO (@okiyama69) and 生ガンダム Nama Gundam (@nama_gundam)
In case you're wondering, Nama Gundam and his fellow Team GP members always ask the resort's permission before shreddin' the gnar Gundam style.
With the cooperation of his fellow Team GP members, Nama Gundam likes making fans' dreams come true, even realizing videos like this one showing the Black Tri-Stars in their Zakus delivering their trademark "Jet Stream Attack" as seen from Gundam's cockpit:
Nama Gundam really has fun and loves entertaining while doing it...
Reproduced with permission from 生ガンダム Nama Gundam (@nama_gundam)
If you'd like to see more of Nama Gundam's awesome Gundam cosplay in action, follow him on Twitter here.