Source: ぺんた Penta (@penta_pomepu) - image used with permission
You know you’re staying up too late when your dog does this
- Tags:
- Dog / Scolding / staying up late
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The Twitter user at the account (@penta_pomepu) lives with their dog ぺんた Penta.
One night, they were staying up much later than usual. Maybe they made some noise but for whatever reason, Penta woke up around 11:30 PM and came over.
In a viral Tweet, Penta's owner posted a photo of what they saw, along with the message: "I'm sorry for staying up late..."
Why the apology? One look at Penta's expression and you'll understand:
Reproduced with permission from ぺんた Penta (@penta_pomepu)
Penta stares at his owner with squinted eyes and a furrowed brow.
It looks as if he's glaring at his owner as if to say, "Do you know what time it is?" almost like a mother scolding her child for staying up late at night!
After that, the owner took Penta to a dark place so he could get some sleep.
As an adult, it's up to you to decide whether or not to stay up late. But if your dog gives you a look like this, you can't help but think, "I'm going to bed early today!"