The world of plastic Mobile Suit Gundam (referred to as Gunpla, a portmanteau of "Gundam" and "plastic model") is filled with talented hobbyists, but professional painter, singer songwriter, and YouTuber Senasuke gives her models a mind-blowing touch that sets her apart.

She's able to make her Gundam models look like 2-D anime drawings!

Senasuke applies her expertise as a brush painter to give three-dimensional plastic Gundam models the look of an anime still. Using water painting and shading techniques, she gives the models a very glossy anime aesthetic that really makes it hard to believe what you're looking at isn't printed paper.

On her YouTube channel, she details the process by which she paints her models. Here's her recent masterful rendition of a High Grade Universal Century (HGUC) MSM-10 Zock model.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.