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- Dog / Halloween / Halloween costume / Horror / photo fail / Scary
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Halloween continues to be a popular holiday in Japan. Not only do companies take advantage of the occasion to provide various services and sell all manner of theme-appropriate foods and drinks but there are various parades and events where costumed revelers can congregate, pandemic-related restrictions notwithstanding.
This year, a dog that unwittingly ended up with a "Halloween costume" is making a splash on Twitter...!
Owner: "You don't have to dress up for Halloween"
Here's 麦ちゃん Mugi-chan, an English Setter who suddenly found herself in the Twitter spotlight when her human caretaker みのかさ Minokasa (@inekaratukutta) posted her photos on October 29th, 2022:
"Guess you won't have to dress up for Halloween this year either!"
Reproduced with permission from みのかさ Minokasa (@inekaratukutta)
It looks as if Mugi-chan's mouth has been ripped open to her ears, giving her the appearance of a mutated creature from a horror film or a game such as Resident Evil. In fact, her horrific appearance isn't computer graphics, nor is she wearing any kind of physical costume. It's merely the result of a blurred photo!
Perhaps the skin on her face is soft, so when she moves quickly, this is what happens when you try to capture her in a photo!
When she is standing still, however, Mugi-chan is a beautiful dog, as you can see in this photo below:
When you compare them, the difference is so great that you may wonder if they are really the same dog.
If there were a canine costume contest and Mugi-chan really could have that appearance when she showed up, she would be the winner for sure. Many people online were surely surprised and laughed at her appearance, which required no costume to pull off!