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Contrary to his lazy demeanor, Water/Psychic-type Pokémon has actually been quite active in Japan, being named an official ambassador of Kagawa prefecture, and thus taking over its hotel rooms, hot springs, and public transportation.
It looks like Slowpoke (or Yadon as he's known in Japan) has found a way to work while lounging, however, and with the intention of making you just as lazy. That's because Japanese furniture company Cellutane is releasing this big and comfy Slowpoke chair!
Technically, the official name of the product is the Slowpoke (Yadon) Bean Sofa, but no matter what you call it the micro bead and urethane filled chair is especially designed by Cellutane to provide extra comfy sits for long periods of time, and it perfectly captures Slowpoke's spaced out but very content facial expression and distinctive tail right down to the last detail.
You can even pair it with a Poké Ball ottoman to rest your feet, also sold by Cellutane.
It measures at 920 mm (width) x 1010 mm (wide) x 720 mm (height) and weighs approximately 8.75 kg. With a machine washable cover, it's easy to keep clean as well.
Those hoping to melt into the warm embrace of Slowpoke can do so for 28,400 yen, ordering from Cellutane directly or other online retailers like Rakuten.