- Source:
- Ikea
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With IKEA's support, 10 lucky kids were chosen to have their drawings become stuffed toys! The mock-up drawings were handed to toy designers, then processed through a factory. After the process was finished, the toys were sold on the "Toys For Education" website for charity. One dollar/euro from every purchase went to UNICEF and Save The Children.
Up until now, Toys For Education Education has helped 11 million children since 2003. The main goal is to help bring opportunities to children living in poverty for a better future for themselves and their families.
Dora / 7 years old / UK
Koen / 10 years old / Netherlands
Terrence / 6 years old / Malaysia
Stella / 6 years old / Cyprus
Karla / 10 years old / Croatia
Thymeo / 4 years old / Belgium
Maja and John / 8 years old and 5 years old / Norway
You-Chen Wu / 6 years old / Taiwan
Albert / 7 years old / Romania