Valentines day is coming up next month. The bakery chefts are trying really hard to squish some creative juice out of their brains for their customers to be unique and serve the high standard Japanese customers. At first, things aren’t that complicated just by looking at the result.

One of the giant chocolate manufacturing Japanese companies Royce created this brilliant concept. It’s a good way for morning surprises, as well as to confess your first love to someone. The success rate of being together may be unexpectedly high by throwing some humor into your Valentines day.

Customers commented,

What's this? I must eat!

Fall in love at first sight!

It was delicious, but I prefer the others.

It was tasty, but hard to eat..

The chocolate bread, or “the chocolate and bread” is selling at 194yen ($1.64USD).

By - grape Japan editorial staff.