New York based aspiring illustrator, comic artist, and cosplayer Nikolas A. Draper-Ivey has whipped up some amazing alternative designs of characters from Star Wars: The Force Awakens featuring designs inspired by Samurai called "Feudal Star Wars." The six illustrations of prominent characters in the movie are so badass, they may need their own adaptation to make room.

Samurai Kylo Ren

Feudal Rey

Ronin Finn

Commander Poe (Revision)

Samurai Taichou Phasma

Ashigaru Nines

Nikolas explains that the Ashigaru Nines illustration was "...bit tricky, but I just decided to have fun with it. I ended up fusing the Jutte, Tonfa and Katana into one weapon to make it more menacing." It looks like he nailed it with no problem.

Akita BB-8

If you liked those (and how could you not?) be sure to check out more impressive work by Nikolas here.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.