Hello Kitty is opening a new bakery in Harajuku, the most kawaii city in the world!

The bakery, named Kitty No Sampomichi, will be serving scrumptiously sweet gelato desserts, ranging from gelato sandwiches to gelato smoothies.

We can already sense that the bakery will be a huge hit, revealing a menu as cute as Hello Kitty. The lineup of gelato desserts include: Melon Pan Gelato (gelato sandwiched between sweet, warm melon bread), Brioche Gelato, Gelato Apple Pie, Cookie Sandwich, and gelato smoothies.


Source: あすなろ舎


Source: あすなろ舎


Source: あすなろ舎


Source: あすなろ舎

Even the takeout boxes are pretty and pink, and they’ll make you want to bring home some sugary snacks for your friends and family.

The Hello Kitty bakery will open on August 6th, 2016, with Hello Kitty herself visiting the bakery on its opening day!


Source: あすなろ舎

Kitty No Sampomichi Harajuku

Address: 1-20-12 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo
Hours: 11:00AM~7:00PM
Closed 12/31~1/3

By - grape Japan editorial staff.