- Source:
- @pioooooon
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While Christmas in Japan boasts magical illuminations, romantic date spots, and KFC dinners in Japan, the New Year is the country's central Winter holiday, and it comes loaded with traditional practices. After celebrating with the family, it's time to go out and give your first greeting of the year to other friends and family. And in this video posted by Japanese character designer, dog lover, and Twitter user @pioooooon (AO FUJIMORI / Mili), we can see that that tradition extends to dogs too. On their first walk of the New Year, their lovely four-year-old Shiba Inu had the most enthusiastic urge to greet his dog friend!
Apparently a dog friend of Fuji (although you can make your own judgement from the reaction), @pioooooon posted the video saying "When we went to give our New Year's greeting, he got really happy." Of course, that goes without saying, as Fuji jumps over a dozen times, even hanging on the wall like Spider-Man to get a glimpse of his canine buddy--who seems to be in a bit of a growly mood. We're sure the visit was appreciated though!
If you happen to use the smartphone chat application LINE, you can actually get your very own Fuji stickers made by @pioooooo by searching "柴犬のふじ".