The day of love has arrived, and in Japan Valentine’s Day is celebrated by women giving chocolate to the men in their lives.

This artist’s creation was actually a birthday treat rather than a Valentine’s Day gift, but she posted it on the internet just in time to give everyone some inspiration for their own gifts. How thoughtful.

Rather than buying a box of chocolates, Japanese people like to give a personalised feeling to Valentine's gifts by buying a bar of chocolate to melt and reset in cutely shaped moulds. Then they decorate the chocolates themselves with icing and various toppings.

When planning for her partner's birthday, perhaps @Keko_Art took the idea of personalisation a bit too far and made a mould of her own face in order to present it in chocolate form to her boyfriend.

Source: Keko_Art

Sadly, the couple parted ways 2 months later. It may or may not have been related to the chocolate face incident.

Source: Keko_Art

Looking at the chocolate, it would probably actually make a cool gift for a significant other who is into horror movies. Choosing white chocolate makes the face look pallid and ghostly, and giving the face pink icing lips and blackberry hair was a nice touch.

If you love J-horror and Japanese ghost stories, how about reading the legend of a doll that grows human hair?

By - grape Japan editorial staff.