Source: mugi411

This is Mugi-kun, a spoilt tomcat who lives in Japan and licks his lips for 18 seconds after eating a treat.

Mugi-kun’s owner bought this surprisingly realistic-looking salmon cushion for him (even the packaging is the same as fish sold in Japanese supermarkets).

Source: mugi411

Buying something for a cat can be a bit of a risk, as many owners complain, sometimes the cats will completely ignore their present in favour of other mundane items (cardboard boxes for example).

Source: mugi411

But the salmon cushion was a complete success. Mugi-kun and the salmon became inseparable. even sleeping together. Although he was already popular, these adorable photos uploaded on Twitter drew even more fans than usual.

Source: mugi411

Mugi-kun’s owner says the cat has never been given human food before, including fish, so no one knows why Mugi-kun has a particular affinity for the salmon cushion. Perhaps it’s just instinct.

Source: mugi411

Sleeping soundly, maybe Mugi-kun is dreaming about some kind of delicious sashimi buffet

By - Jess.