Last year, Japanese anime goods shop AmiAmi released a lineup that fused Naruto characters and kitties into bubbly figures inspired by traditional Japanese dolls. Called "Nyaruto" ("nya" is Japanese for "meow"), the series gives popular characters from hit anime and manga Naruto the adorable aesthetic of particularly round cats.

Now AmiAmi is releasing a follow-up with all new character and cat hybrids!

Itachi Uchiha


Shikamaru Nara

Iruka Umino

You can set the bubbly cat and Naruto figures up as display in your room, or maybe recreate some anime scenes with a kitty twist.

Each figure is priced at 1,540 yen and available at AmiAmi's Akihabara shop in Japan, as well as from their online store.

By - Big Neko.