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Blue is the colour that represents the port city of Yokohama. Not only is it surrounded by the deep blue of Tokyo Bay, but it is also adorned with hints to the colour hidden away within the city itself.
As one of Japan’s greatest historic ports and with a rich history of foreign trade, it comes as no surprise that is one of the most prosperous areas in the country.
With a harbour built up beside the deep dark blue of Tokyo bay, and uninterrupted skies that outstretch for miles, the city is always surrounded by a range of different blues. Look a little closer at the city and you will find that in addition to its natural surroundings, Yokohama pays tribute to its culture and history of a port city with splices of blue strewn here and there.
Below are some hints at ‘Yokohama Blue’. Take a walk around Yokohama and discover more hidden blue gems amongst the modern city.
This bollard stops cars from entering into the pedestrian only Zou-no-hana park. Resembling a light blue elephant that guards the entrance to the park, it’s cute design is popular amongst children.
Zou-no-hana park is located at Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama. A waterfront park with winding pathways and picnic areas, it is a popular spot amongst families in Yokohama. The park is believed to have been the landing point of Commodore Matthew C. Perry when he arrived in Japan (for the second time) in 1854. The name Zou-no-hana, or Elephant-nose-park, is a reference to the shape of the embankment, which overtime has been shaped to resemble the nose of an elephant.
Blue Blue Yokohama is a marine-style apparel and goods store located at Zou-no-hana park. Although the store focuses mainly on producing top quality denim items, they also sell limited edition Blue Blue Yokohama T-shirts and bandanas and additionally house a variety of interior goods (with a focus on the colour blue of course).
Perhaps the most obvious, yet often overlooked blue symbolism found in the city can be seen in the street signage and at information points. Working in harmony with the surrounding landscape, the directional guidance signs in the Minatomirai area blend in with the blue of the sky and nearby buildings.
Last but not least, the entrance of Yokohama Porta shopping mall, at the east exit of yokohama station, boasts all the depths of Yokohama blue with an intricate stained glass window featuring symbolic waves and seagulls. The beautiful design allows the sunlight to shine through into the entrance of the shopping mall and was designed by glass work artist Mari Noguchi.
Find Your Yokohama Exhibition
Discover more hidden locations of ‘Yokohama Blue’ at the Find Your Yokohama exhibition being held at the Yokohama City Hall until the 30th of September. The exhibition space showcases different displays related to the city each month, keep up to date with what's happening on the Find Your Yokohama facebook page.