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Japanese workspace service proposes “new workstyle” linking telework & all-you-can-drink wine
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Japanese telework space sharing app Telespe テレスぺ, operated by Telework Technologies Co., Ltd., has teamed up with the Shinjuku branch of Wine Bar ESOLA to offer a unique and potentially attractive opportunity to those who are looking for a place other than home to conduct telework during these pandemic times.
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All-you-can-drink wine and telework
Depending on where you're from, having a glass of wine during working hours is not such an unusual thing, especially when it's with a meal. Whereas some jobs ban it outright for safety reasons, other jobs are more lenient when it comes to alcohol at work. Ultimately, it's up to your company and your own self-management skills when it comes to deciding whether or not to imbibe on the clock.
However, unless you work as a food critic or a novelist, having all-you-can-drink wine isn't usually something you would normally associate with productive work. That's why, at first glance, Teresupe's proposal may sound unreasonable.
But before you cast your judgment, consider the background:
According to the press release, their new proposal for residents in the Tokyo area is a win-win solution created under the difficult circumstances of the current state of emergency.
On the one hand, as an ongoing problem in these pandemic times, company employees who have been told to telework may not always be able to do so at their home. For example, they may have a partner or family member(s) who also need to telework, or they may have small children or pets preventing them from concentrating on their work, especially if they live in a small apartment. On the other hand, during the current state of emergency announced by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and in effect until February 7th, restaurants have been urged to close their doors at 8 PM. That's a difficult pill to swallow for establishments like Wine Bar ESOLA that make a significant portion of their earnings in the later hours of the evening.
Through this plan, workers in search of a good teleworking space with free Wi-Fi and electric outlets can enjoy a spacious, well-ventilated space, not to mention a nicely appointed and comfortable environment, and the pleasure of sipping wine worry-free, while Wine Bar ESOLA can earn some much-needed additional income by making use of the normally idle daytime hours between lunch and dinner.
According to Telespe, having access to wine and teleworking could be a "new workstyle" for you to try.
Several areas are available:
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And there is also a plan available without wine for those who don't drink.
Plan Details
To use the plan with Telespe, see their website here.
Just send a friend a request to Telespe in LINE, register your credit card, then show up during the plan hours (no reservations needed).
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