Source: @ymnc_rf
Japanese Twitter can’t believe this expressive cat is the same feline in all three shots
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Anyone who lives with cats knows that their expressive nature can lead to an adorable but sometimes absurd habit of "transforming", such as when they are presented with a small container to liquidize in or realize they are about to be taken to the vet.
For Japanese Twitter user @ymnc_rf, their cat Yamaneco seems to have provided an ample amount of transformations throughout 2021--so much that many on Twitter can't believe pictures they've shared are the same cat.
@ymnc_rf recently shared their "best 3 photos" of Yamaneco taken in 2021, and the difference between all three has many in disbelief. Take a look at the many faces of Yamaneco:
When food is on the table
Source: @ymnc_rf
When he really wants a bag
Source: @ymnc_rf
When he's not in the brightest mood
Source: @ymnc_rf
Obviously, age and growth play a hand, but Yamaneco clearly has some distinct facial expressions and can seemingly morph into a pretty different feline based on mood. 2022 should only add to his expressive repertoire.