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Although it may depend on the dog, they generally enjoy changes in the surrounding environment. When snow accumulates on the ground, it excites them to see the different scenery outside, sensing different scent and texture.
For dog lovers in the northern areas of Japan, playing in the snow is a must-do winter activity with their canine friends.
Japanese Twitter user and dog owner (@rin__shibaken) of Rin the shiba inu recently posted a video on Twitter.
The video was from when Rin was just 3 months old, and saw the snow for the first time.
This heart-warming video of a very excited Rin playing in the snow has thousands sharing her infectious joy!
It is as if Rin is saying “What is this, what is this!?” while sniffing and jumping up and down on the snow.
She must have been incredibly excited by feeling the texture of the snow for the first time. She keeps stomping on the snow with her front paws in an adorable dance.
Many people left comments on this cute video of Rin tirelessly running around in the snow; “So adorable” “It’s incredible how happy she is.”
According to Rin’s owner, Rin was so excited with the snow she refused to come inside for a while.
This video of Rin, as opposed to the recent cold weather outside, warmed up many people’s hearts!