Source: @YuicihiroG
Amazing My Neighbor Totoro edible diorama is a Studio Ghibli fan’s dessert dream
- Tags:
- Anime / Cookies / Diorama / Fan Art / Hayao Miyazaki / Icing / My Neighbor Totoro / Studio Ghibli
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When it comes to make sweets too cute or gorgeous to eat, husband and wife icing cookie artist duo WHIP SUGAR (@YuicihiroG) may have no peer. With headache-inducing Psyduck cookies, Pokémon as as traditional Japanese amber crystal candy, and sleepy Tom Nook Animal Crossing treats, it's safe to say the duo's sweets are art as much as they are dessert.
WHIP SUGAR may have set a new standard for themselves with not just some sweets, but an awesome diorama of them that is sure to put hearts in eyes of Studio Ghibli fans.
A deliciously adorable fan art icing cookie diorama of My Neighbor Totoro!
Source: @YuicihiroG
Source: @YuicihiroG
Source: @YuicihiroG
The charming edible fan art diorama features the Blue Totoro and Soot Sprites from the beloved animated film made from cookies with expertly applied icing, as well as a Mini Totoro crafted from a sugar cube. Not only do the cookies look amazing and delicious, WHIP SUGAR's artistic sense and plating perfectly captures the whimsical nature of the anime classic.
As always, WHIP SUGAR provides a detailed making-off process that shows off ingredients and how they were able to bring My Neighbor Totoro to life via cookies!
By - grape Japan editorial staff.