This cute baby girl is named Piper, and she's not smiling just because she's rocking a new pair of glasses.

Piper's mom, Jessica Sinclair, was worried about her daughter's eyesight and that she might be progressing at a slower pace than other children.

On her Facebook, Jessica explains that after a visit with a pediatrician, she found out that Piper was extremely farsighted, and thus was having difficulty crawling.

Piper was presented with a new pair of glasses, corrected for her eyesight, and Jessica made sure to catch her delightful reaction on camera.

She may have to wear glasses at the young age of 10 months old, but there is something heart-warming about witnessing the the joy on Piper's face as she likely sees her parents clearly for the first time. At the exact moment she realizes the difference with which she can now look at her loving parents, she can no longer contain her joy!

By - grape Japan editorial staff.