- Source:
- The Dog - Kiatnakin Bank
- Tags:
- Commercial / Dogs / Funny / Thai / Touching
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"Simple Investment, Return Beyond Expectation."
These are the words of the slogan that end this commercial for KK Smart Invest from Kiatnakin Bank in Thailand, but perhaps they more aptly describe our friendship with dogs.
The commercial is more specifically trying to tell you that a simple investment with their company will provide you with superior financial services beyond your expectations, but with how adorably, comically, and touchingly this dog-human friendship is shown, it's pretty easy to focus on the message of treating others (especially dogs!) with kindness.
The commercial begins with a man buying a meat skewer, but finds himself gawking at a beautiful lady nearby. He comes to when a hungry stray dog begs him for his food. The man selflessly obliges, but does not immediately appreciate or know what this act of kindness has bought him in return. The dog then begins to set forth a plan of action to repay this kind stranger. Take a look and warm your heart! It's must-see in my opinion, but there's a screen-shot breakdown at the bottom if you prefer.
Our human protagonist is buying some meat skewers, when he sees something he wants more and starts daydreaming...
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...but a hungry (and cute) stray dog snaps him out of it by asking for his food. Our hero helps him out, and the dog looks at him thinking of a way he can repay him...
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He starts by guarding his parking spot from other drivers...
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...and when he notices a bird pooping dangerously close to his car, he tries to scare it off...
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...even taking offering himself up as a poop shield in the process.
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Then another dog pees on his benefactor's car!
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So he chases him away....and even cleans up the mess!
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When our hero returns and backs up his car a little too close, he thinks of a clever way to let him know when to stop!
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When our hero returns, the dog snatches his bag and runs away--upsetting the owner!
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...until he realizes where the dog has led him.
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And so with a simple act of kindness, this man got more than he was ever hoping for.
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Because the dog never forgot how well he was treated in a time of need...
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...so maybe if you just give a little, you'll get a lot back.
Source: YouTube
Maybe this is an attitude we can bring with us when handle financial investments, but it'd probably be a great way to carry ourselves in our daily lives. Be nice, everybody!