As you might know in Akihabara (Tokyo), there is a Gundam Cafe. They are promoting their sixth series “DiscoveryG,” with the GUNDAM Guinomi (sake cup). The cup is made from Tin, which is capable of preserving good temperature with the durable and good material surface.

It perfectly lines up with the image of GUNDAM, one of the most well-known "robots" in Japan that has its own big statue in Tokyo Odaiba. And now, GUNDAM is collaborating with Takaoka Guinomi, one the finest Tin makers since 1609, using 100% pure Tin material and high technique that has been passed down by many generations.

Crafting the silicon base.

Add Tin material in the iron bowl until it reaches 240°C temperature.

Pour the boiled Tin in the silicon model.

After the Tin material is cooled down, take out the model from the silicon base.

An experienced craftsman closely sharpens and rubs up the surface until it meets the final desired result.


Width 56mm x Depth 63mm x Height 36mm

ザク Zaku

Width 66mm x Depth 78mm x Height 36mm

The beautifully crafted Gundam Sake cup is available for pre-purchase from January 22nd, and will be delivered in March.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.