Source: YouTube
Over 1,500 Pikachus Will Be Invading Yokohama, And They’re Bringing Kawaii Vending Machines With Them
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- 【公式】ピカチュウ自販機誕生! 伊藤園×ポケモン
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It’s that time of year again. Yup, that time of year when over 1,000 Pikachus dance their way into the city of Yokohama, infiltrating the streets in waves of bright yellow. When they aren’t spreading excitement and shaking hands with passersby, they’ve been seen causing panic with a melting Pikachu, though the freaky accident somehow made them all the more endearing. What kind of buzz they’ll bring this year is still yet to be anticipated, but one thing we know for sure is that they will be keeping fans hydrated all throughout the event.
Source: YouTube
This year’s Pikachu invasion is scheduled for August 9th to the 15th, but from mid-August, vending machines will appear alongside the lovable monsters throughout the Yokohama area. The vending machines, which will have three different designs, are part of a collaboration between the Pokémon franchise and Itoen, a beverage company known especially for their green tea products. They’ll undoubtedly be a cute touch to the event, and it looks like no one is happier than the Pikachus themselves:
What the 30+ dancing Pikachus in the video are also trying to say is that each vending machine will be filled with Itoen’s popular vegetable juices, which come packaged as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Snorlax. The vending machines might even help to keep event-goers hydrated in the summer heat, which will be crucial as temperatures continue to rise throughout the country.
Source: YouTube
It looks like over 1,500 Pikachus will be invading Yokohama this year, and considering how these events have gone in the past, we can bet it’s going to be worth heading over to.