Source: Nestle Japan Press Release
Newest Japanese Kit Kats Are Premium Birthstone Chocolates To Be Sold Monthly
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Japanese Kit Kat flavors are known for their variety, often taking advantage of regional and seasonal ingredients. It's their high-end Chocolatory stores, however, that have offered some of the fancier flavors in their lineup. In the past they've released Kit Kat sushi and chocolate cake-filled Kit Kats as well. Now Nestlé Japan may have outdone their fancy-pants ways with their latest release, a series of birthstone embedded Kit Kats.
Starting from this November, a Kit Kat Chocolatory Birthstone series will be released that offers a special edition flavor inspired by the birthstone of that month. While not an actual birthstone (it's an edible cake decoration), the shiny treasure embedded in each Kit Kat it said to contain good fortune for those who eat their corresponding release. Here are the releases in monthly order.
November: Chestnut (Topaz)
Source: Nestle Press Release
December: Purple Yam (Tanzanite)
Source: Nestle Press Release
January: Raspberry (Garnet)
Source: Nestle Press Release
February: Haskap Berry (Amethyst)
Source: Nestle Press Release
March: Grapefruit Mint (Aquamarine)
Source: Nestle Press Release
April: Rum Raisin (Diamond)
Source: Nestle Press Release
May: Pistachio (Emerald)
Source: Nestle Press Release
June: Coconut (Moonstone)
Source: Nestle Press Release
July: Tomato (Ruby)
Source: Nestle Press Release
August: Shikuwasa (a citrus fruit popular in Okinawa) (Peridot)
Source: Nestle Press Release
September: Blueberry (Sapphire)
Source: Nestle Press Release
October: Peach (Tourmaline)
Source: Nestle Press Release
While only Topaz is available at the moment, during the corresponding month, flavors will be available at all Kit Kat chocolatory stores for 1,485 yen, in packs of three "gourmet" bars. It probably won't happen until all monthly flavors are released, but Chocolatory Kit Kat sets have been made available on Amazon in the past, so there is some hope for people not in Japan.