If you’ve ever thought the mid-air sword fights in video games and anime were pushing the boundaries of plausability, you’ve obviously never seen this ‘future sport’ from a viral video by Softbank.

The telecommunications company have been collaborating with ‘guest teachers’ for their ‘Smartphone Middle School’. The project is creating online content to show students a fun side of industries they don’t normally get to see, turning their smartphone into a classroom. It's not the first time Softbank have targeted the younger generation with their promotions, previously they recruited Justin Bieber to flog their student discounts.

For the subject of technology, guest teacher Mr. Mori, an inventor, has created the idea of a ‘future sport’ called Jet Pack Samurai. The two samurai warriors battle it out in a display in front of some junior high school students who are excitedly filming the bizarre scene on their smartphones.

I think we can all agree that most sports and activities would be better with the inclusion of a jet pack. Maybe even Quidditch could be a reality.

We duel at dawn, don’t forget your jet pack.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.